Make a Freedom of Information request

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives you rights to access official information.

Before you make a request

You might not need to make a FOI request if we have:

The information that you provide will be used to process your request. For details about how Ofqual processes personal data, please visit our personal information charter page.

Start now

Common enquiries

Ofqual’s Public Enquiries team is the first point of contact for anyone with questions about the qualifications, assessments and awarding organisations we regulate. Make an enquiry to contact the Public Enquiries team.

The Ofqual website has links to our most recent information.

Useful information

You can ask for any information you think we may hold. The right only covers recorded information which includes information held on computers, in emails and in printed or handwritten documents as well as images, video and audio recordings.

  • You should identify the information you want as clearly as possible.
  • Your request can be in the form of a question, rather than a request for specific documents, but we do not have to answer your question if this would mean creating new information or giving an opinion or judgment that is not already recorded.

Some information may not be given to you because it is exempt, for example because it would unfairly reveal personal details about somebody else.

For your request to be dealt with according to the Freedom of Information Act, you must:

  • make the request in writing, by using this on-line form
  • give your real name
  • give an address to which we can reply, this can be an email or postal address

You can use this online form to make your request. If you prefer, you can make a request by another means, so long as it is in writing. For example in a letter or an email to [email protected].

If you are unable to make your request in writing, contact us by telephone on 0300 303 3344 and we will help you make your request.

Other regulations and law

Environmental information

If you ask for environmental information, your request will be handled under the Environmental Regulations (EIRs). Environmental information includes things like carbon emissions or the environment’s effect on human health.

You do not need to tell us which law or regulations you’re making your request under.

Personal information

There is a different way to make a request if you want information that Ofqual holds about you. You will need to send your request in writing to:

Data protection officer
2nd Floor, 1 Friargate
Station Square
United Kingdom

You can also send you request via email to [email protected] or by contact form.


Most requests are free but in very rare circumstances you might be asked to pay a small amount for photocopies or postage.